Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2023

Terms of Pricing and Membership

Unlimited access membership subscription We may offer certain portions of our Services at no charge and others for a one-time fee or on a subscription basis or under any other lawful pricing structure. In addition, unless we specifically tell you otherwise, the use of any of our paid Services does not transfer across operating systems and/or different equipment (e.g., mobile devices, computers, etc.). For example, unless we specifically tell you otherwise, the use of our mobile applications are limited to the relevant device and/or operating system you are using at the time you purchase a license to use the application. Users understand and agree that they may be required to pay for certain locked items and locked features if they login with a different Google Play account. Users understand that their purchases are associated with their Google Play account and thus will not be able to access locked content if they are signed with a different Google Play account which was not used to ma...